This article was inspired by a discussion I had with a third-year student who believed that it would be difficult for people working in AI to telemarketing list find satisfactory job opportunities through campus recruiting. Also, when I was preparing for interviews, I found that people used a lot of resources, but based on my experience over the past few months, I believe that for most telemarketing list AI practitioners, many basic resources are unnecessary. Listed at the end of this article Minimal list of required resources.
This article starts with how to get noticed in telemarketing list an interview, then I provide a list of companies and startups to apply to, and then how to succeed in an interview. I've added a section on why we should work hard, based on personal telemarketing list experience. The last is the minimum resources required to prepare the job. NOTE: For those of telemarketing list you who are waiting for campus recruiting, I would like to add two points: First, most of what I have to say (except maybe the last one) is irrelevant to you. However, the second point is, as I mentioned before, telemarketing list most of the job opportunities on campus are software engineering positions, which have no intersection with artificial intelligence.
So, this article is specially written for those who telemarketing list want to use artificial intelligence to solve interesting problems. Also, I'd like to add that I didn't pass all the interviews, but I guess that's what it means to fail - it's the greatest teacher. Not all of the telemarketing list things mentioned in this article may be useful, but these are my experiences and I don't know how else to make it more convincing. How to get noticed in an interview Honestly, this step is the most telemarketing list important. What makes social recruiting so hard and exhausting is how to get recruiters to scrutinize your profile among the many applications they receive.