Research has shown that people watch AR Whatsapp Mobile Number List videos 4 times longer (75 seconds) than regular mobile videos. AR also has a higher stickiness factor. The content remains 70% longer among the target group than non-AR. Also read: Inspiration! 13 formats for content on social media metaverse Metaverse is one of the Whatsapp Mobile Number List most discussed topics of 2021. Although Facebook took the first place with the announcement of the new era and its new brand name Meta, this topic has of course been alive for some time for the business sector that develops and offers AR/VR products and services. What about Whatsapp Mobile Number List Second Life, from 2003! Brands are also starting to sniff the metaverse.
For example, Nike and Zara have already Whatsapp Mobile Number List launched stores within the CEEK metaverse application. Nike even bought a studio specializing in designing "shoes for the metaverse." Will a whole new digital Whatsapp Mobile Number List commercial revenue model including associated advertising culture open up in the future? We think so. Trend for social advertising. Source: Advertising . 2. The end of third-party cookies is (finally) in sight! Google announced years ago that they were going to ban third-party cookies from their Whatsapp Mobile Number List browsers. They have postponed it until 2023 for now.
So we still have 12 months to prepare Whatsapp Mobile Number List for this. What effects will this have on social advertising? Google indicates that data tracking via Chrome will not be the same from 2023. All the possibilities that marketers Whatsapp Mobile Number List have now will change. Tracking cookies allow us, marketers and companies, to place cookies on external sites. This allows marketers to analyze the website behavior of visitors and respond to Whatsapp Mobile Number List consumer demand. Analyzing behavior (data) generates a lot of extra revenue for companies. This way you can show the right advertisement at the right time to the right (potential) consumers in their search for a product or service. It is often thought that only marketers or companies benefit from this.